
Choosing a career in the health care profession is a noble pursuit. We know you've worked hard to get into your program of choice. 仍然, 在你准备申请材料的过程中,有很多事情要跟进,你可能会有一些问题.



卫生保健证书是为有兴趣探索卫生保健职业选择的学生设计的. 完成该证书的学生将获得一套技能,使他们能够在一些医疗保健相关的职业中工作. Students also have the option of transitioning to other health care programs. Some of these programs required a secondary application process.

Which programs in the 卫生保健 division require a secondary application process?



  • 紧急医疗技术员(EMT)
  • 病人护理技术员
  • 药学技术人员
Are there space limitations for each program?

是的, each 卫生保健 program has limited enrollment. 有关每个项目的座位数量的更多信息,请参阅项目情况说明书, and program entrance (Program Ready) requirements. 


Students must be 18 years of age by the date of the first clinical course.

Is a criminal background check required for acceptance to a 卫生保健 program?

根据临床机构的要求, students in specific programs are required to have a criminal background check. Refer to the 卫生保健 Division Handbook for specific policy details. Students with prior convictions may not be accepted at a clinical facility.

Is drug testing required for acceptance to a 卫生保健 program?

Students are required to submit to a drug test on an unannounced basis. Refer to the 卫生保健 Division Handbook for specific policy details. 

Are there limited attempts in 卫生保健 programs?

是的. Admission to a 卫生保健 program will be limited to two attempts. 一次不成功的尝试意味着你在一个学期的任何一门课程中都不成功. Attempts from previous colleges count in your total number of attempts. Starting Fall 2024, an attempt for 卫生保健 programs will be a C, D, W, F, or U. 护理 will continue to be D, W, F, or U until Fall 2025. 任何使用了最大允许尝试的学生可以在最后一次医疗保健计划课程至少5年后获得一次额外的医疗保健计划尝试.

Is transportation or a driver’s license required?

需要可靠的运输. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from clinical agencies.

What hours are required in 卫生保健 programs?

除了白天,医疗保健项目可能需要晚上或周末的临床轮转. While completing general education coursework, students may take courses in the day, 晚上, 或在线, 取决于课程设置.

Does the 卫生保健 Division have an attendance policy?

医疗保健课程有特定的、规定的时间,学生必须完成. Therefore, strict clinical and lab attendance is required. Refer to the 卫生保健 Division Handbook for specific policy details. 

Is there a separate program orientation?

Upon acceptance to a 卫生保健 program, students must attend a mandatory program orientation for their major. Failure to attend may result in losing the spot in the program. 


澳博app(PTC)卫生保健部门没有具体的政策强制要求员工或学生接种COVID-19疫苗, PTC卫生保健部门要求学生必须有资格并能够参加该计划用于临床实践的所有临床轮转. 

我们不能根据学生的要求或疫苗偏好提供替代或替代的临床经验. 正如卫生保健部门和我们的附属临床机构需要其他疫苗一样, the facilities have the option to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine.

The 卫生保健 Division cannot customize student schedules for any reason, due to the regulations and requirements set forth by our clinical facilities, 国家委员会, 和授信人. 再一次。, this is not a PTC initiative or mandate, but a requirement by our affiliated clinical facilities, 国家委员会, 和授信人 for programs specific to the 卫生保健 Division.

After Program Acceptance, What Other Steps Do I Take to be Eligible for Clinicals?

An integral part of your health care education will be your clinical experiences. 学院与你将在那里进行直接和/或间接临床工作的机构签订了附属协议. These facility affiliation agreements require records of your background check, 药物筛选结果, 健康评估表格, 免疫接种, CPR认证, certificate of professional liability insurance, 以及其他特定地点的要求以便获得临床机构的批准. Records are to be submitted to and held by our compliance vendor, Castlebranch©.

注意流感疫苗, 结核病测试, 适合测试以及护理学习(HIPPA和OSHA)必须每年完成并提交. In addition, most of our clinical sites are now requiring the COVID-19 vaccine. Please see the information listed below regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine/Booster.

* 兽医技术 Program requirements may differ. See programmatic policies for VET in regards to this policy.


What are the physical requirements for participation?


在临床区域的大部分时间需要站立和行走(4-8小时)。. 在执行病人护理的某些方面时,需要站在一个位置. Walking occurs on vinyl, tile, linoleum, or carpeted floors.


坐着 may occur while charting or entering data into a computer. 一个人也可以在轮班开始/结束时坐着接受/做口头报告. It is also possible that sitting may occur during breaks and meal periods. 根据临床分配,每8-12小时轮班总坐位不超过2小时.


定期运送医疗用品, 药物, 病人供应, 还有病人病历, all weighing up to 10 pounds is required. 此外,还需要举起重达45磅的心肺复苏术设备和其他医疗设备. 需要协助举起和转移不同体重的患者,并且在举起时需要请求帮助, 走动, 给病人重新定位. 一个人必须能够支持至少75磅的重新定位,转移,并安全地走动病人.


需要经常携带重达45磅的医疗用品和其他物品, 偶尔还会携带重达50磅的医疗设备.


在进行病人治疗和护理时,需要推/拉70-100磅, as well as when pushing equipment such as oxygen tanks and monitors, and when transporting patients in wheelchairs, 床, 或者轮床上. 3点需要推.5 pounds of pressure when administering CPR. Full manual dexterity of both upper extremities is required.


No significant climbing is required; one may be required to climb a step stool.


弯曲 is required when administering patient care. One must be able to bend to touch the floor to remove environmental hazards. 




当操作医疗设备和执行病人护理方面时,需要蹲或跪, 比如心肺复苏.



必须能够清楚地用英语沟通、评估和教育患者和家属. 还必须能够与医生和其他参与病人护理的专业人员进行口头交流.


一个人必须有正常的听力(允许助听器)才能进行身体评估, including listening with a stethoscope for bowel, 心, 还有肺部的声音. One must also be able to hear to detect subtle, 然而,关于病人状况的关键信息,包括警报,以及与医生和其他参与病人护理的专业人员沟通.


监控设备的视力要求在正常范围内(允许戴眼镜或隐形眼镜), 读取医疗数据, preparing and administering 药物 and injections, and performing physical assessments of patients including subtle changes in color.


Required for fine tasks such as administering injections, 无菌导尿管插入(尿, IV), 鼻胃管插入, 等管, 等.  


所有手指都必须有良好的运动技能,能够掌握和控制医疗设备,并执行精确的程序,如无菌换药. 还需要掌握钢笔等物品以准备手写报告的能力.



